Your New and Best Year Starts on April

What a year 2020! Undoubtedly it was very tough being in lockdown and feeling how our visions faded away. However, starting April 2021 you have 39 weeks to squeeze the most out of this year, Therefore, take advantage as your new and best year starts on April!

After going through 12 months of stress due to the pandemic, it is time to reprogram your life so that you achieve the success you want and make it last over time.

Gretchen Rubin, author of several books on habits and happiness, proposes to use beginnings as a trick to establish new habits and routines.

Why don’t you take advantage of the new month and quarter and start taking intentional actions to reach the best results you want to get this year?

Really it doesn’t matter whether or not you have preconceived goals; just ask yourself, what can you achieve in the next few weeks? It is time to focus on executing the plan that will take you where you want to be with joy, enthusiasm and faith. 

Are you interested?

Great that you said YES, to make April your new beginning!

Excellent, but … how to do it?

First, re-connect with your long-term vision and see where you want to be on December 31, 2021. I mean, how would you like your business and your life to be at the end of this year, assuming that from April 1st onwards you start to take consistent and intentional actions to get there?

Imagine, it is New Year’s Eve, you’re reviewing the year that is ending. You feel satisfaction, you are happy for the goals achieved, the changes you made since April when you got committed to your dreams. Now, answer these questions:

What did you achieve? What are your family and friends telling you? What do you say to yourself? Where in your body, you feel this sense of fulfilment?

Write down what you have seen, heard and felt.

This information describes the vision of what you want to achieve.

So, are you ready to define the DUMB and SMART goals that will guide your intentional actions in the next 39 weeks? (more on the DUMB and SMART Goals here).

Let’s do it!

Take a pencil and paper, so you can start planning how you will create your vision. Answering the following questions will help you in the process.

  • What is the gap between where you are and where you want to be at the end of the year?
  • In the next few weeks, what can you do to get your business and your life where you want it to be?
  • Which are your milestones in the way to your vision?
  • How can you get to your first milestone?
  • What actions can you take immediately?
  • How will you measure your progress?
  • When marking your planned actions as done how will you feel about ?
  • How do you want to feel at the end of each day and each week?
  • How will you celebrate your daily and weekly achievements?
  • What could get in your way? How to anticipate and overcome it?

You can make the most out of the next 39 weeks and make this a great year.

Do you need help defining your vision, setting your goals, actions and indicators? Schedule a coffee with me NOW!


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